3 Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 beserta Jawabannya

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28 April 2024 15:53 WIB
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Ilustrasi Contoh soal short message kelas 8. Sumber: Roman Pohorecki/ pexels
Ilustrasi Contoh soal short message kelas 8. Sumber: Roman Pohorecki/ pexels
kumparan Hadir di WhatsApp Channel
Contoh soal short message kelas 8 dapat membantu siswa berlatih berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Komunikasi dapat dilakukan dengan percakapan langsung atau melalui pesan yang dikirim melalui alat komunikasi berupa pesan singkat.
Dikutip dari buku Rangkuman & Trik Bahasa Inggris SMP 7, 8, 9, Tia Puspita Gestiana, (2020: 44), short message (SMS) dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan text. Berisi nama pengirim, nama orang yang dituju, dan isi pesan.

Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 yang Digunakan untuk Memahami, Membuat dan Menjawab Pesan

Ilustrasi Contoh soal short message kelas 8. Sumber: George Dolgikh/ pexels
Melalui contoh soal short message kelas 8, siswa dapat belajar memahami pesan yang diterima, membuat dan mengirim pesan atau berita, atau menjawab pesan yang diterima. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh soalnya.

1. Memahami Pesan

Dear, Rahma.
I have an essay assighment about traditional dance. Could you please accompany me to the liberary to look up sources? Can we go there today?
Reply soon, please.
From the text above we can say that …
a. Rahma asked Dita to accompany her to the library.
b. Rahma asked Dita to write an essay about traditional dance.
c. Dita asked Rahma to look for traditional dance essay resources in the library.
d. Dita asked Rahma to come to her house today
Jawaban: a

2. Mengirim Pesan

Wati wants to borrow Wanda's math book, because Wati's book is missing. Wati wants to study for tomorrow's test.
Write the appropriate message
a. Dear, Wanda. Can I borrow your math book? My book is missing and I have a test tomorrow
b. Dear, Wanda. My math book is missing. Can you find it for me? I have an exam tomorrow.
c. Dear, Wanda. Can you help me study math? I have a test tomorrow and my book is missing.
d. Dear, Wanda. Can I borrow your math book? there is an assignment to be collected tomorrow.
Jawaban: a

3. Membalas Pesan

Wati wants to borrow Wanda's math book, because Wati's book is missing. Wati wants to study for tomorrow's test. Wanda can't lend her book to Wati because Wanda also has a test tomorrow.
Write the answer to Wanda's message to Wati
a. Of course you can borrow my book
b. Sorry you can't borrow my book, because I also have a test tomorrow.
c. I'm sorry you can't borrow my book, because it's broken.
d. I'm sorry I'm not at home
Jawaban: b
Demikian pembahasan tentang contoh soal short message kelas 8. Pemahaman yang baik tentang pesan pendek akan membantu siswa lebih lancar berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. (STA)