Short Story | The Emerald Pendant

Konten Media Partner
15 Juni 2019 18:01 WIB
Buku yang dibiarkan terbuka. Foto: Huffington Post
Buku yang dibiarkan terbuka. Foto: Huffington Post
I was walking near the intersection when suddenly I heard a man screamed from far "WATCH OUT!" And all of a sudden there was a loud sound like something had been smashed so hard. Unconsciously I stopped walking and turned my head, look all over the place to find out what happened. Not long after the smashed was heard, everybody along the street ran to get closer towards the source of the sound. They stared at something on the street and talked to one another. The noises they are talking sounded like bee's voice. My mind seemed command me to get closer to the crowds, but my feet felt like opposing his master. The cluster are too crowded so I hold back my intention to lean forward to that crowd.
Those people who crowd in the middle of the street shows different expressions. I saw some their horrified expression and some of them shows pity expression. I saw a man who looked panic and his hand holding a cell phone which he put on his ear. That man looked impatient. For a moment, he glanced at the other and then glanced to something down at the street which became the focus of those people attention. The people who already looked closer directly left, showing disgusted reaction. My head tried to guess so hard about what was actually happened at 2 meters where I was standing right now.
The road then became full because of the people who passed that crossroad getting inquisitive about what peoples staring at. Around five minutes later, I heard loud sirens from far was getting closer. The sirens sounds getting closer and blaring. Suddenly, I feel my ears were buzzing. When that white car with deafening siren sound was getting closer to that cluster, the peoples then stand aside to give the way to that car.
"GET OUT OF THE WAY! STAND ASIDE!!!" a person's voice ordered. Those people who blocked the way then followed the order.
When I watched the space in that crowds, I felt a great deal of pressure inside me to take me there. I tried to push forward over the mass to look at the object on the street which made people so curious, pity and even horrified. I glanced a male teenager in navy shirt lying stiffly on the street but then I shifted my view to another because of his pathetic condition. Fresh blood flowed from his head and that made me loathe. When I stared at that guy, my heart was pounding, I even couldn’t make any movement. “NO. Hh… hhhe… he wasn’t… No I can’t believe this,” I mumbled when staring at that guy. I was shock and when I want to look closer to that victim, two man took him away on a stretcher.
"STAND ASIDE!!" cried one of the medical personnel to the cluster.
The ambulance left me in dingy gaze. I felt pity of that guy and a little part of my heart wish that he still have a chance to live.
“He is too young to die and left his dreams and responsibilities”
Suddenly, I felt my eyes blur and my ears were buzzing the same as what I felt when the sirens sound was heard. I caught two peoples who had been in the crowd were talking.
“Did you see the collision victim?” asked a woman to a man beside her.
“Yes. Why?” the man got curious with the woman talk.
“You know, that he has such beautiful necklace” the woman explained.
“Really?” asked the man again.
“Yes, he has the blue circular emerald pendant” said the woman.
After that woman and that man went from that crime scene, I saw myself faded slowly. My heart pounded so hard, my ears were buzzing. I want to deny that collision victim fact. I tried so hard to deny it. I hold my necklace tight as I saw a white light dazzling from above. I took a step back.
“I still have to fulfill my dreams and responsibilities” I said bitterly. (bfn/adn)
Foto: adv.