Ikutan #10YearsChallenge, Madonna Malah Dihujat Netizen

17 Januari 2019 11:10 WIB
Madonna (Foto: REUTERS/Carlo Allegri)
Madonna (Foto: REUTERS/Carlo Allegri)
kumparan Hadir di WhatsApp Channel
Saat ini, media sosial sedang ramai dengan '10 Years Challenge'. Tantangan tersebut mengharuskan netizen menyandingkan foto mereka 10 tahun lalu dan sekarang untuk diunggah ke media sosial.
Beberapa selebriti terlihat mengikuti challenge tersebut, salah satunya adalah Madonna. Pelantun 'Like A Prayer' itu mengunggah foto dirinya di tahun 2008 dan 2018 ke Instagram-nya.
Pada foto tersebut, Madonna terlihat nyaris tak berubah. Yang terlihat berbeda hanyalah warna rambut, bentuk alis, dan riasan wajah.
Namun, unggahan Madonna tersebut mendapat komentar pedas dari netizen. Beberapa dari mereka menuduh diva berumur 60 tahun itu melakukan photoshop pada wajahnya agar terlihat muda. Bahkan, netizen juga menyebutkan Madonna terlihat muda karena terlalu sering operasi plastik.
"But she does look old. Embrace it dont hide behind filters... and she's super thirty," tulis akun @raylicious1964.
"The point of this is to not use a filter. You’re old as hell. Deal with it," ujar akun @ashleyraeschoen.
"The Botox, the plastic chirurgies, the money buys the youngest. Poor Madonna accept your reality. You're an old woman. You don't still young. I don't believe this photo. Like a your song: sorry," kata akun @withbrowncarlo03.
"Haha plastic surgery queen," tulis akun @rpackwood70.
"You looked more natural and much better ten years ago. The 2018 picture is way overdone, photoshopped!!!!" ujar akun @edsanz691.
Madonna (Foto: REUTERS/Carlo Allegri)
Madonna (Foto: REUTERS/Carlo Allegri)
Namun demikian, penggemar setia Madonna tetap memuji wajahnya yang masih terlihat muda. Mereka juga meminta penyanyi lagu 'Hung Up' itu untuk tidak memedulikan komentar para haters.
"Haters gonna hate..."IF" anything is done, it's Botox, which I doubt. (I cannot imagine a needle going into the pretty face, eek) She's fair skinned, hence not a lot of facial lines. ALL the dancing she does is a MAJOR workout. Look, face it, Madonna IS and that is ALL there is to it. Ma-donna, tick tock, tick tock...she'll always be the best on the block, YEAH!!!" tulis akun @the_original_kat_keen.
"You were beautiful then, and you are beautiful now. Keep inspiring everyone, and forget all the haters. Love you," ujar akun @leest0506.
"You look incredible & beautiful, always. I would love it if you felt more able to show your aging process. Rather than the safety of overexposed images. We are so afraid of signs of being older and yet never has a culture more needed direction by Elders," kata akun @angelsareintersex.
Hingga kini, Madonna belum memberikan komentar terhadap hujatan yang diterimanya tersebut.